About 80% of the world population suffers – or has suffered at least once during their lives – from backache. And it is fair to say that we have all, at one time or another, awoken with an annoying discomfort in the lumbar region of the back; it often increases during the day and may also present at night, interfering with sleep – and often, it progresses to an intensity that drives us to our physician.
In this section, we will illustrate several simple gymnastic exercises specific for preventing backache.
We also offer some suggestions for correct posture of the vertebral column in at-risk situations; for example, when driving or when lifting a heavy weight.
We all should learn to recognise and practice postures that do not produce muscle contractions and learn to correctly perform everyday actions, avoiding extreme bending and twisting and rapid movements which can cause the onset of painful episodes.
Other exercises, illustrated and explained below, are specific for relaxing the lumbar region and can be performed comfortably at home in about 15 minutes per day. The exercises constitute a specific gymnastics program for relieving discomfort and preventing lumbar pain from worsening, for relaxing contracted muscles in the lumbar and thoracic regions, and for strengthening and toning the dorsal and abdominal muscles to efficaciously protect the vertebral column.
MYBACK® NO-LOAD EXERCISE POSITION Follow the instructions given in the manual to suspend the pelvis a few centimetres above the horizontal surface. Increase the lift time progressively from 2 to 8 minutes. IMPORTANT NOTE: The aim is to take weight off the pelvis; a lift of no more than 3-5 cm is sufficient. Exercises nos. 2 and 3 below may be performed in this position. Or you may go on to exercise no. 4. |
THORACIC (CHEST) BREATHING Lie supine on a mat as shown in the illustration. Breathe in (inhale) through your nose, expanding your chest; then breathe out (exhale) through your mouth, deflating the chest. Repeat 10 times Aim: To perform thoracic breathing without moving the abdomen. |
ABDOMINAL (DIAPHRAGMATIC) BREATHING Lie supine on a mat as shown in the illustration. Breathe in (inhale) through your nose, expanding your abdomen; then breathe out (exhale) through your mouth, flattening the abdomen. Repeat 10 times Aim: To perform abdominal breathing without moving the chest. |
PELVIC TILT: ANTEVERSION-RETROVERSION OF THE PELVIS Tilt the pelvis toward your feet until you feel an arch in your lower back (lift from the mat). Then tilt in the opposite direction to flatten the lumbar area of the spine against the mat. Repeat 10 times. |
‘CAT STRETCH’ Kneel on all fours. Arch your back and raise your head (inhaling). Drop your head forward and curve your back upward in a ‘hump’ (exhaling). Repeat 10 times. |
SIMULTANEOUS STRETCHING OF THE UPPER AND LOWER LIMBS In the supine position with your arms above your head, retrovert (push down) the pelvis, attempting to flatten the entire lumbar tract against the mat. Stretch the arms and legs simultaneously for 10 seconds while exhaling slowly and completely. Repeat 10 times. |
CROSS-STRETCHING OF THE UPPER AND LOWER LIMBS In the supine position with your arms above your head, retrovert (push down) the pelvis, attempting to flatten the entire lumbar tract against the mat. Stretch your right leg and your left arm simultaneously, with the other leg and arm relaxed; keep stretching for 10 seconds while exhaling. Repeat, inverting the limbs. Repeat 5 times on each diagonal. |
‘THE SPHINX’ From the starting position (prone, resting on the forearms), raise the trunk to the ‘sphinx’ position (see figure, left) and hold for 15 seconds ca. IMPORTANT: The forearms keep the vertebral column in the extended position; try to relax the rest of your muscles as much as possible. Repeat 3 times to start; work up gradually to 10 repetitions in later sessions. |
FORWARD STRETCH Sit on your heels, with your knees slightly apart. Slide forward on your hands. Stretch forward while exhaling, for 10 seconds, without allowing the pelvis to slip forward. Repeat 10 times. |
ONE-LEG EXTENSIONS In the supine position, Inhale and raise one knee to your chest while the other leg remains straight on the mat. Hold this position for 10 seconds ca. while exhaling. Repeat with the other leg. Repeat the movement 5 times per side. |
TWO-LEG EXTENSIONS Start in the supine position with your knees flexed, Inhale and raise both knees to your chest while flattening your back on the mat. Hold this position for 10 seconds ca. while exhaling. RSlowly return your knees to the flexed start position. Repeat 5 times, very slowly. |
Move your neck and shoulders gently and very slowly in the directions shown in the illustration, without forcing. Perform 10 oscillations in each direction illustrated. |